2016 №2 (51) Article 15

M.A. Voytishina, E.I. Kistrina, G.E. Lokteeva

The peculiarities of strategic planning in Russia and abroad. P.151- 161.


UDC 338.964

The article treats basic approaches to the organization and implementation of the process of strategic planning in Russia and abroad. The article describes the development stages of municipal strategic planning in the countries of Western Europe. The authors use the example of France, Germany, the USA, Scandinavian countries and the Russian Federation to single out a number of approaches to the organization of strategic planning in various countries and to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. The article analyzes principles of strategic planning used in modern Russia and around the world. The authors analyze the implementation strategic planning in Hamburg (Germany). The authors maintain that the implementation of principles of effective planning will improve the results of strategic planning in Russia.

Strategy, planning peculiarities, strategic planning, strategic planning Russia, principles of strategic planning.


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