2017-№3 (56) Article 1

L.M. Balakireva

The Case of I. Redin, a Law Clerk (1727–1731). P. 7-17

UDC  9(47)(092)«1727/1731»

The paper focuses on corruption in state institutions which were launched by Peter the Great in the first quarter of the 18th century (at the example of the Russian Bar Association). The author analyzes governmental attempts to rationalize the Russian bureaucratic structure and deals with methods used to fight corruption at the state level. The research shows that actions aimed at reducing corruption turned out to be absolutely futile. Attempts to ensure a hierarchical structure of the Bar Association, to issue a list of clerical duties assigned in accordance with official procedures, and to impose severe penalties for corruption offences failed dismally. One of the most widely spread corruption offences (mostly because it was the most profitable one) was embezzlement. The research shows that the Russian bureaucratic structure was far from ideal. Laws were disregarded, professional duties were neglected, and the bureaucratic machinery was faulty. The paper maintains that this disastrous state was partly due to mal-funding and partly due to poor organization.

state machinery, corruption, mal-funding of civil service, rationalization, embezzlement, Bar Association




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