2017-№3 (56) Article 13

I.S. Leonov

Orthodox Parishioners as Depicted by Modern Orthodox Writers (at the Example of A. Shantayevʼs, A. Lisnyakʼs,  S. Mikhalevichʼs Literary Works). P.99- 109.

UDC  821.161.1-312.2.09«22»

The paper centers on the manner in which orthodox writers of the 21st century depict the unique parish culture of modern Russia. The research analyzes prose fiction written by archpriests Alexander Shantayev, Alexy Lisnyak, Savva Mikhalevich. The research focuses on the manner in which the three writers depict their parishioners and on the stylistic devices the writers use to create their literary charac-ters. The author maintains that their artistic approaches can be classified into individual focused, com-munity-individual oriented, and generalized. The research centers on the mechanism of depicting parish-ioners through details ensuring identification and conclusion. A detail is a vivid characteristic feature of a personʼs appearance or behavior. A detail can ensure both latent and active identification through which the orthodox narrator gets to know his parishioners, understands the problems they face in their daily life and in their spiritual quest.

detail, literary works written by archpriests, orthodox literature, parish prose, identification.




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