2017-№1(54) Article 1

V.J. Maul.

Lazar Tenenik before and after imprisonment (the fate of a leader of the Chernihiv peasants’ uprising). P. 7-17.

UDC 947.081.2(Р477.1)“18”


The article is based on previously unpublished archive materials, many of which have never been processed. The revolutionary history of the country is viewed through the prism of an individual life, the life of a Ukrainian peasant Lazar Tenenik. The article centers on the so called Chernihiv uprising of 1876–1877, which was prepared by Stefanovich, Deich and Bkhanovsky, the Narodniks impersonating the tsar’s commissaries. The article maintains that the self-proclaimed tsar’s commissaries, who forged the tsar’s ordinances, were supported by the peasants of the Chernihiv District of the Kiev Province. Lazar Tenenik was a leader of the Secret Squad, a secret society composed of a thousand people. He had been previously prosecuted for active participation in peasant movements. Being a leader of the Secret Squad he was arrested, charged with setting off an antigovernment uprising, and sentenced to exile in the town of Berezov in the Tobolsk Province. The article treats Lazar Tenenik’s leadership, his imprisonment and Siberian exile. The author underlines that revolutions mutilate individual lives, as the Chernihiv peasants’ uprising mutilated the life of a Ukrainian peasant Lazar Tenenik.

antigovernment uprising, the town of Berezov, peasant movement, microhistory, Right-bank Ukraine, the Narodniks, exile, Stefanovich, the Secret Squad, Tenenik, the Chernigov District.


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