2018 №1(58) Article 9

Kovyazin V.F., Nguen T.S., Demidova P.M.

Land Classification Monitoring in Vietnam and the Russian Federation Р. 80-87.

UDC 338:91[597+47]

Land classification criteria often change in Vietnam, which is accounted for by constant changes to Vietnamese land legislation, which changed four times during the period from 1987 through 2016. Within the space of these twenty years land classification criteria changed significantly, the changes principally concerned agricultural lands and forest lands. It can be accounted for by the governmental measures aimed at extensive agricultural development for rice cultivation. In the Russian Federation, land classification hasn’t changed for decades. The Russian government is developing a legislative proposal introducing the abolition of land classification in the Russian Federation.


land legislation, land use, agricultural lands, forest lands, land classification




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