2018 №3 (60) Article 3

A.M. Semenov


UDC  94(438)«18»

The article treats the evolution of Polish citizens’ appeals to the top-echelon authorities in 1815. Issuing petitions and appeals was a traditional form of communication between the population of the Russian Empire and the head of state. For Russian citizens this was a chance to seek justice, while for the Sovereign this was a means of finding out about the state of things in his empire. When the Kingdom of Poland became a part of the Russian Empire the tradition of issuing appeals to the emperor was adopted by its citizens as well. In the 19th century, appeals were filled and processed by a department called the Appeal Commission, the state secretary of the Kingdom of Poland, and His Russian Imperial Highness’ Chancellery on Poland. The analysis of statistical and business documents stored in fund 1412 of the Russian State Historical Archive enabled the researcher to investigate the nature of petitioners and their appeals. To process appeals, the officials were expected to know the local language, laws, and traditions. The number of appeals issued annually amounted to 501–803, the majority of appeals were financial. The Appeal Commission played an important role in local people’s lives and secured the Sovereign’s power. The unification of Polish and Russian legal systems was an important asset that enabled the unification of the Empire.

petitions, appeals, Appeal Commission, Kingdom of Poland.




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