2018 №4 (61) Article 1

A.Yu. Rozhkov


UDC 378.193

The article focuses on an attempt to conduct an archeographic and source-related research of students’ letters addressed to the Soviet authorities in the 1920s. Students’ letters to the authorities written during the aforementioned period reflect a wide range of attitudes, feelings and ideas expressed by Soviet students in relation to the country, authorities, higher education. These letters enabled students to address the authorities (leaders of the country, heads of higher educational institutions, statesmen and party members). The article presents the author’s attempt to prepare a commentary on a collection of documents, namely letters written by Soviet students in the 1920s. The article minutely describes the archeographic research conducted by the author and focusing on the letters written by two sisters, Maria and Zinaida Korff, who used to study at Kuban Agrarian Institute. Searching for additional information concerning the two students and their origin, the author unveils the girls’ genealogy and discovers that they were descended from the von Korffs, a family of baronial rank. The article also analyzes the correspondence between the leaders of the People’s Commissariat for Education (A.V. Lunacharsky and A.Ya. Vyshensky) and the authorities of Kuban Agrarian Institute on the issue of the two students. The author maintains that even though only some documents can be analyzed in such a detailed way, a detailed commentary grants a whole range of research possibilities.

the 1920s; archeographic research; Kuban Agrarian Institute; recruiting proletarians into higher education; social cleansing


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