2015-№3(48) Article 3

N.I. Demidova, E.S. Bogdanova

G.N. Pristupa: teacher, scholar, man P.19-26.

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UDC 81.161.1(092.2)


The paper presents a methodology-oriented analysis of the academic works of Grigory Naumovich Pristupa, an outstanding scholar in the sphere of Russian teaching methodology. The authors underline the significance of G.N.Pristupa’s contribution to the methodology for improving students’ spelling and speech standards as well as his contribution to the development of lesson typology and structure. Being G.N.Pristupa’s students, the authors maintain that G.N.Pristupa is not just an outstanding methodologist, scholar and educator, but a great man.

Pristupa G.N., Russian teaching methodology, spelling teaching methodology, teaching principles, Russian lessons



1. Pristupa, G.N. Osnovy metodiki orfografii v srednej shkole [The basis method of spelling in high school] [Text]. — Ryazan’, 1973.
2. Pristupa, G.N. Kratkij kurs metodiki russkogo yazyka [A short course of methods of Russian language] [Text]. — Ryazan, 1975.
3. Pristupa, G.N. Kul’tura rechi uchitelya: posobie dlya studentov [Speech culture of a teacher: a manual for students] [Text]. — Ryazan : RGE, 1984.
4. Pristupa, G.N. Principy i metody sovershenstvovaniya orfograficheskix navykov v srednej shkole. Dissertaciya na soiskanie uch. stepeni d. ped. nauk [The principles and methods to improve spelling skills in high school[Text] : Doctoral thesis … for pedagogical sciences], 1970.

