Annushkin V. I., Lan Haofang

Interpretations of images of classical Chinese poetry in Russian translations (poems about separation) P. 101 -109.

UDC 821.581-1.09

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.010


Abstract. This article is devoted to description and analysis of Russian translators’ interpretation of images of classical Chinese poetry about separation. The study is relevant in the context of cultural exchange between China and Russia, as well as for study of translation and literary criticism. Chinese poetry about separation contains deep symbolism that personifies emotional states and life experiences. However, translating 

such images into Russian is difficult due to cultural differences and peculiarities of language systems. In this context, the study is aimed at identifying the specifics of rendering such images as 柳 (a willow), 春草 (spring grass), 月亮 (the moon), and their semantic coloring from original Chinese poems into Russian. The results of the study help us to better understand classical Chinese poetry about separation and evaluate its significance for the Russian-speaking audience; they also enrich the traditions of poetic translation practice. Translators pay special attention to the transfer of imagery and emotional coloring of poems, but certainly some nuances and subtleties of the original text may be lost in translation. The results obtained are of practical importance in the field of translation and can be used for educational purposes, as well as serve as a basis for further research in the field of comparative literary and cultural studies, resulting in deeper understanding and interaction between Chinese and Russian literary traditions.


Keywords: classical Chinese poetry, poetic image, cultural symbolism, interpretation of images, poems about separation.



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