Annushkin V. I., Jao Jashu
Ivan Ilyin: on the Russian Language and the Power of Thought Р. 79 –91.
UDC 811.161.1:1(47)«19»
DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.009
Abstract. The article analyzes philosopher I. A. Ilyin’s views on the Russian language, which constitute a coherent philosophical system. The philosopher managed to express his fundamental ideas on the nature of the Russian language, its connection with Russian culture and history in his exquisitely refined way. A person’s linguistic expertise can only be viewed through the prism of the person’s moral principles, their awareness of their culture, which is treated as a culture of heart, conscience, sacrifice, belief and prayer.
The nature of verbal creativity is de-scried by Ilyin as power of thought. Assertion is inner motivation to be true, unhackneyed and sincere. The article focuses on Ilyin’s literary style. The philosopher’s writing is full
of vivid images and metaphors, which was typical of the Silver Age of Russian literature. Ilyin’s writing is like a long thread on which the philosopher strings semantic neologisms and parallel constructions. Ilyin treats creative thinking as an ability to find unexpected definitions and nonplatitudinous ideas. The article analyzes the concept of heart as a concept that promotes the development of love, intuition and contemplation.
Keywords: Russian language, power of thought, philosophy of thought, philosophy of word, individual style, idea, word, semantic neologism.
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