Bezgodova O. V.

Altitudinal differentiation of riverbeds and valleys of minor rivers in the mountain-basin part of the Irkut River basin P.   176-187.

UDC 627.15(282.256.34)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.017


Abstract. Minor rivers are an important part of the river system, which is sensitive to changes in the components of natural complexes. With a great change in the elements of river valleys and riverbeds, especially under rifting conditions, there can occur a restructuring of minor rivers network, a change in the types of valleys, and also a cessation of riverbed evolution. Currently, there is a need to study the minor rivers of the mountain-depression part of the Irkut River basin, due to insufficient data and to the active economic development of the depressions in the Tunkin system and the expansion of the area of specially protected natural areas. The goal of the study is to identify the distribution of types of valleys and channels of minor rivers along the altitudinal zones of the area. We have carried out a typification of the valleys and beds of minor rivers, based on field research data, analysis of multi-temporal satellite images and remote sensing data. Based on the digital relief model ALOS DSM, the parameters of the areal distribution of exogenous processes of relief formation were obtained, and the altitudinal belts were linked with non-fluvial and fluvial exogenous processes.

A natural change in the types of valleys and channels from the high-mountain belt to the low-mountain belt has been noted: in the zone of prevailing denudation in the upper reaches of small rivers, there develop V-shaped and trough-shaped valleys with incised winding and branched-winding channels with ice formation; in the mid-mountain belt, active removal of loose material is noted (transit zone), where U-shaped valleys with wide-floodplain sinuous and branched-sinuous types of channels with ice formation are formed; in the low-mountain belt there is a zone of accumulation of matter within trapezoidal valleys with adapted sinuous and branched-sinuous types of channels.

Keywords: Baikal riftzone, altitudinal zones, minor rivers, morphogenetic types of valleys, morphodynamic types of channels, exogenous processes.


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