Bobrovnikov V. V.

Theatre and Cinema in Petrograd Dwellers’ Everyday Life  in February — October 1917   P. 51- 59.

UDC 94(2-2Санкт-Петербург) «1917»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.005

Abstract. The article investigates the role of theatres and cinema theatres in Petrograd dwellers’ everyday life in 1917. The article analyzes the repertoire policy of government and private-owned theatres and cinema theatres in Petrograd and underlines the changes of the repertoire policy associated with the revolution. After the February revolution theatres and cinema theatres did not lose their appeal, but their repertoire policy underwent certain changes brought about by social and political process. Due to the abolition of censorship and general liberalization, in theatres and cinema theatres there appeared new revolution-related films
and plays. Theatres and cinema theatres were no longer the prerogative of educated people, hence the spread of erotic films.


Keywords: urban everyday life, cinema, the Russian Revolution.



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