Bodrova E. V., Kalinov V. V., Gaytamirova S. A.

People’s Commissariat for Armaments in the conditions of forced fortification defense potential on the eve of the Great Patriotic War  P. 60-69.

UDC 94(47).084.8

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.006

Abstract. Based on analysis of previously unpublished archives, the paper investigates the activities of the People’s Commissariat for Armaments on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. We identify the factors that influenced achievements in the work of defense plants, as well as the causes of certain miscalculations. The study discusses prerequisites for regular reorganization of the defense industry management in the 1930s, including a significant increase in the number of enterprises, their technological re-equipment, the need to adjust their plans, to coordinate and cooperate with civil and defense enterprises, to constantly adapt the industry to the chosen accelerated pace of industrialization, changing the geopolitical situation and the financial, technological, and human resources available. A conclusion is drawn that the change in the structure of the People’s Commissariat, the allocation of more and more funds, the emphasis on technological modernization, the creation of a domestic metallurgical base, the construction of defense plants in the east of the country, identification of mistakes and their prompt correction enabled the country to significantly increase the production of artillery units and portable firearms. The study focuses on the development of 75 % samples in 1938–1940s that implemented the best achievements in the production of firearms and artillery units. The Soviet scientific, technological, industrial and defense potential was significant, although important “special materials” were obtained by the intelligence agencies and used by the defense people’s commissariats. Such technical documentation greatly reduced the cost and accelerated the introduction of innovations in the production of weapons. It is proved that, on the whole, on the eve of the war, strong technical and theoretical prerequisites were laid for further modernization of artillery and firearms during the war, but it was impossible to complete the forced restructuring of the defense industry by the start of hostilities.


Keywords: Great Patriotic War, People’s Commissariat for Armaments, defense potential, defense capacity, reconstruction.




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