Bodrova E. V., Kalinov V. V.
On the issue of achievements and contradictions of the USSR scientific and technical policy in the mid-1950s (based on newly available documents of the CPSU Central Committee). Pp. 17–27.
UDC 94(47).084.9
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.002
Abstract. Study of archival documents that have now become newly available allows us to explore with more reliability and depth a problem that has become relevant and causes heated debate. Based on the analysis of statistical data and other materials, we conclude that, along with significant achievements and high rates of economic growth, there were serious miscalculations in the implementation of the Soviet state scientific and technological policy in the mid-1950s, and consequently, a slowdown in the implementation of the latest models in production. Thus, the level of technology in Soviet mechanical engineering was seriously lagging behind the advanced capitalist countries, especially in their consumer production. The USSR suffered large losses of metal in mass production, and there was a noticeable lag behind the USA and Germany in terms of the volume of the more advanced types of metal castings, in the degree of mechanization and automation of processes, in the quality of abrasive materials, etc. In documents that were not then intended for publication, experts also recorded a technological lag in a number of other industries. The industrial management reform only worsened the situation. The integrated national plan for the development and introduction of new technology for 1957 and 1958 was not approved. Research institutes were disintegrated in their performance. The economic councils created more and more scientific, design and engineering organizations that did not have sufficient qualified personnel or the necessary material and technical base. The unity of the scientific and production cycle was destroyed, and its proper coordination was not ensured.
Keywords: science and technology policy, industry, implementation, modernization, management reforms.
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