Bolshakova D. A.
Fire Prevention Measures in Vladimir Zemstvo and Ryazan Zemstvo in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries P. 77-83.
UDC 614.84(470.314+470.313)«18/19»
DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.008
Abstract. The article investigates the measures undertaken by the representatives of the Vladimir zemstvo and the Ryazan zemstvo to enhance anti-fire activities in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. After the Great Reforms of the 1860s–1870s, the task of fire fighting was imposed on local authorities. The article treats the issue of fire-resistant building construction, construction of wells, ponds, and dams. The article analyzes the process of fire protection engineering, provides statistical data on fires in the Ryazan province and the Vladimir province. The article maintains that local authorities played an important role in the implementation of fire prevention measures. The author concludes that the most common fire prevention measures in the Vladimir province and the Ryazan province included the construction of fire-resistant buildings and roofs, tree planting, and the construction of water reservoirs.
Keywords: fire, zemstvo, everyday history, fire-protection engineering, wells, ponds, dams.
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