Vasilyeva S. A.
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them …”: the Christian path of Dr. F. P. Haas (review of the book: Semenenko-Basin I. V. Doctor Haas and the Christian book. Moscow, YaSK Publ. House, 2022, 192 p.) P. 194 –203
UDC 61(092)(049.32)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.019
Abstract. This is a review of the monograph by I. V. Semenenko-Basin, Doctor Haas and the Christian Book, published by the YaSK Publishing House. The author succeeded in conducting an interesting, original and informative study in line with the modern historiographical genre of a personal history. The book describes the personality of Moscow prison doctor in the middle of the 19th century Friedrich Josef (Fyodor Petrovich) Haas, his professional and social activities and charity projects. Particular attention is given to analysis of the worldview, social ethics and ecumenical views of the medical philanthropist.
Keywords: F. P. Haas, Prison Committee, “A. B. C. of Christian Behavior”, prison supervision.
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