Vorobyov A. Yu., Kadyrov A. S., Balobina A. A.
Method of complex benchmarks for assessing rates of relief formation on erosive river banks Р. 174-190.
UDC 551.435
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.017
Abstract. We have developed and applied a unique method (for the floodplain of the middle course of the Oka River) for determining the rate of lateral erosion of the river channel. In the period from 2016 to 2020, field studies of the dynamics of horizontal channel deformations were carried out using complex (complex) benchmarks. Unlike other similar approaches, whose implementation involves manual measurements, the new method allows obtaining quantitative data on the retreat rate not only of the floodplain crest, but also of a slope plane itself at different heights above the river’s edge.
It is established that the greatest coasts erosion at all three accounting sites was observed in 2018, during the retreat of the spring flood, with the crest of the flood wave sweeping the massifs of the central floodplain. During other years, with abnormally low floods or high summer floods, the total rate of coastal retreat decreased by 5–7 times. The attenuation of relief formation was most reflected in the spring erosion of slopes, while their retreat during the summer low water period from year to year differed in approximately the same dynamics.
Keywords: dynamic geomorphology, The Oka River bed, research methodology, reference points, bank slope, lateral erosion, high water.
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