Gavrich V.

Axiology of nature in the context of the Russian path and the Kosovo Testament  (F. M. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and P. P. Njegos’s The Ray of the Microcosm) P. 109 –118.

UDC 821.161.1-31.09«18»+821.163.41-1.09«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.011



Abstract. The article examines the efficiency of the axiological approach to studying artistic works and conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of nature in the novel The Brothers Karamazov by F. M. Dostoevsky and in the poem The Ray of the Microcosm by P. P. Njegos. Both authors touch upon and reveal the specifics of the uniqueness of the Russian and Serbian cultural codes. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to conduct a comparative axiological analysis of nature in the works of Russian and Serbian writers in the context of the Russian path and the Kosovo Testament. As a result of the research undertaken, it is established that the landscape in the works of writers serves as a means of introducing characters to the grace of God. It is shown how the idea of pochvennichestvo can be traced in Dostoevsky’s favorite characters (Alyosha and the elder Zosima). In their poetic landscapes, the earthly and cosmic merge succinctly, and man and humanity are inextricably linked with them. Nature in The Brothers Karamazov and in The Ray of the Microcosm is a special way of artistic comprehension of reality. It has a sacred function, and its aesthetics are determined by the Christocentric idea of nature as a divine creation.



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