Grebenkin I. N., Romanika A. S.

The Balkan crisis and evolution of Russian revolutionary democratic movement in the 1870s Р. 25-33.

UDC 94(47).081«187»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.003

Abstract. The article examines the role and significance of the events of the Balkan Crisis of the 1870s in the public life and political processes in Russia. It contains a brief review of studies devoted to the problem in Russian historiography. We look into the origins and nature of public sentiments in Russia regarding the position of the Slavic peoples in the Ottoman Empire and define the views of Russian socialists on the international significance of the revolutionary movement in Russia. We observe mutual influence of the struggle of the Balkan Slavic peoples against Turkish domination and the Russian liberation movement in the post-reform period. Some Russian revolutionary democrats participated in the events of the Balkan Crisis at its various stages. The conclusions reveal the significance of the national liberation process in the Balkans for the development of the ideology and methods of the revolutionary movement in Russia.


Keywords: Balkan (Great Eastern) crisis, Russo-Turkish war, social upheaval, national liberation movement, revolutionary Narodnik movement.



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