Grigorieva V. P.

To the history of Russian translations of Robert Fergusson’s poetical works. Pp. 133–138.

UDC 821.111(411)-1.09«17»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.015


Abstract. The history of Russian translations of Robert Fergusson’s poetical works is represented in the article for the first time. In Russia Robert Fergusson’s poetry is traditionally viewed in connection with the studies of another famous Scottish poet Robert Burns, and therefore Russian translations of Fergusson’s poems appeared in publications of Burns’s poems in Russian. Russian translators A. I. Eppel, Y. V. Vitkovskiy, E. D. Feldman, O. P. Koltsova, G. M. Zeldovich, S. A. Aleksandrovskiy, Y. V. Knyazev translated into Russian Fergusson’s most important poems (The Daft Days, Leith Races, Auld Reikie, Elegy on the Death of Scots Music et al.) that are composed in the stanzas well known in the Scottish poetic tradition. The translators made successful attempts to preserve the specific features of the Scottish stanzas and the semantics of a Scots dialect word. In quite a short period of time, about fifty years, we can observe a growing interest in the Russian translators’ society in Fergusson’s works. Russian readers have been introduced to his most famous poetical works. Russian translations of Robert Fergusson’s poems show a new page in the history of Scottish poetic tradition, until recently unknown to a wider audience in Russia.


Keywords: Burns stanza, poetical rhythm, Robert Fergusson, Scots, Scottish poetic tradition.




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