Gubanov S. A.

Comparative forms of epithets as a verbalizer of the semantics of subjective quality in M. Tsvetaeva’s prose. Pp. 81–89.

UDC 821.161.1-3.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.008


Abstract. The category of quality is one of the main logical and linguistic mechanisms for structuring reality, a source of knowledge about the world and its properties. Verbalization of the semantics of quality in the Russian language occurs through words of attribute semantics and epithet. Adjectives, especially epithets are capable of conveying not only a property of an object, but also the attitude of the cognizing subject towards it, among others through gradation of the attributes, the degree of its representation in comparison with other objects.

The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the representation of the category of comparison as a verbalizer of the semantics of quality in M. Tsvetaeva’s prose, based on an analysis of epithet complexes and epithet words that make up the epithet paradigm of the comparative degree. The article implements the cognitive-semantic approach to the study of the concept of quality within the framework of a specific individual style, providing a description and analysis of linguistic means of expressing comparisons of quality in Tsvetaeva’s prose texts in connection with the logic of the author’s thinking. Based on the study, the main linguistic markers for comparing quality in the poet’s texts are identified; special attention is paid to occasional and non-systemic forms. The paper proves the importance of the category of quality for Tsvetaeva’s work and the specificity of its representation in her prose. The specificity of the poet’s prose language is noted, which consists in constant reflection on what has been said, in her attitude towards language experimentation, which is expressed in a discursive, cognitive type of writing, reflecting the development of the author’s idea from its concept to implementation. The cognitive-semantic approach allows not only to highlight the linguistic means of verbalization of the concept, but also to establish their roles in the poet’s idiostyle, which is confirmed by the analysis of epithet words in the poet’s texts, which are interpreted as the most appropriately chosen ‘true’ words.


Keywords: idiostyle, comparison, comparative degree, epithet, epithet paradigm, epithet complex.




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