Denisova I. V.
Features of expressive-emotional style in the Ryazan chronicles (based on the Moscow chronicle collection of the late 15th century). Pp. 90–96.
UDC 821.161.1«14»
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.009
Abstract. The Ryazan chronicle text is a little-studied phenomenon in Russian literary criticism. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to identify and analyze Ryazan informational entries in the Moscow chronicle of the late 15th century. This source stands out among other all-Russian chronicle corpora due to its stylistic originality: the presence of elements of expressive-emotional style, a combination of bookish and colloquial speech. The subject of the study is text material discussing to the Ryazan land, containing elements of expressive and emotional style. A stylistic analysis of the chronicles of the 12th–14th centuries about Ryazan indicates that they possess characteristic features of an expressive-emotional style: tautological repetitions, syntactically and rhythmically organized spacious sequences of homogeneous members, vivid means of expression that perform figurative and expressive functions. Their practical significance is determined by the possibility of incorporating research results into the educational process of higher education; the materials can be used for presentations at local history seminars.
Keywords: scribe, chronicle, Moscow chronicle of the late 15th century, “word-weaving,” Ryazan Principality, Ryazan texts, expressive means, expressive-emotional style.
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