Yermolayev Yu. N.

To the Issue of the Formation of the Qasim Tatar Ethnic Group: Novgorod Landlords’ Descendants (Astrakhan Tatars) in Qasim Khans’ Troops  in the Early 17th Century            Р. 7-13.

UDC  39(=1.470.313=512.145)«16»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.001


Abstract. The article treats the history of the formation of a troop of Qasim Tatars (the so called Seitov Regiment of the Qasim Khanate). The article analyzes a number of published sources to trace a potential connection between a group of Novgorod landlords registered in 1570s as Astrakhan Tatars and Qasim Tatars listed in the Tsar’s List of Qasim Tatars in 1623. The article uses prosopography. It investigates Astrakhan Tatars’ contribution to the formation of the Qasim Tatar ethnic group.


Keywords: Qasim Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars, Novgorod, Qasim Khnate, prosopography, ethnography.




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