Zagolovets A. V.

Reversible words as a linguistic phenomenon in the Chinese language. Pp. 127–135.

UDC 811.581’373

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.013


Abstract. The article discusses the possibility of using a reverse order of components in lexical units of the Chinese language. The relevance of the topic is determined by insufficient study and absence of a systematic description of this phenomenon in modern linguistics. The goal of the study is to generalize and systematize the views of scientists on lexical units of the Chinese language that allow reversing the order of their components. The article lists the terms existing in modern linguistics so as to define this lexical phenomenon and provides possible classification options for the so-called “reverse words” from the point of view of their semantics, structure, part-of-speech identity and syntax, and discusses views on the essence and main characteristics of “reversible” words in Chinese and Russian linguistics. The paper also mentions the class of “pseudo-reverse words,” which are sometimes attributed to words with a possibility of reversible sequence of their morphemes,
although they are not reversible. The potential application of the present research is for university courses on lexicology and history of the Chinese language and further research of lexical units of the Chinese language that allow reversing the order of their components.


Keywords: Chinese language, reversible order, reverse words, pseudo-reverse words, reverse order.




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