Zaytseva S. V., Stepanov S. V.
“The Foundling Trade” and the Life of the Fosterlings of the St. Petersburg Foster Home in the Villages of the St. Petersburg Province in the Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries P. 20 -26.
UDC 94(47).082
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.002
The article gives a brief description of the foundling trade that developed on the territory of the St. Petersburg province in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries, as well as its impact on the life of the peasant population in the western districts of the St. Petersburg province. The study analyzes the state policy in relation to peasant families involved in raising children from St. Petersburg orphanages. It identifies legislative mechanisms which enabled the placing of orphans to rural residents. The article analyzes surviving documents, memoirs, and zemstvo journals to discover basic elements of everyday life (including home life) of infants and older adolescents, the attitude of their educators and nurses towards them. The article scrutinizes publications in the Gdovsko-Yamburgsky listok (the Gdovsko-Yamburg Leaflet), the first Russian zemstvo newspaper, discussing orphans’ problems in the St. Petersburg educational district. The analysis of office documents, notes and articles written by members of the public shows that orphanages, whose activities received a predominantly negative assessment, needed dramatic reforms.
Keywords: orphanage, Gdovsko-Yamburg Laflet, childhood, fosterlings, foundling trade, St. Petersburg province.
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