Zverev V. O.

Counterspies and circumstantial evidence in Myasoedov Case (from unpublished archival documents). Pp. 7–16.

UDC 94(47).083″1915″

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.001


Abstract. The article covers the objective general characteristics and some personal traits and professional qualities of the counterintelligence officers who participated in operational and investigative support of gendarme officer S. N. Myasoedov’s case. Ht was suspected of collaboration with the German intelligence service during the early part of the First World War. We come to the conclusion that the high level of the counterspies’ proficiency was mainly due to their experience gained in fighting foreign espionage in Vistula Land (Kingdom of Poland) in the previous peaceful decades.

The paper refers to previously unknown results of military investigative activities of the Petrograd secret police and counterintelligence, and circumstantial evidence that they found. During the pre-trial investigation and the trial such circumstantial evidence as the connection between Myasoedov and prostitutes Stolbina and Magerovskaya who gathered important information for him in the Petrograd highest military and political circles and Myasoedov’s connection with German baron E. V. Hahn who was compromised by his assistance to the German spy von Brümmer. The documents now introduced into historical discourse contain references to circumstantial evidence of Myasoedov’s guilt and cast doubt on his innocence. Yet further archival work may bring historians to more definitive conclusions about the issue.


Keywords: counterspies, spies, investigators, S. N. Myasoedov, trackers, prostitution, legal proceedings, sentence.




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