Zverev V.O.

Counterintelligence of the headquarters of the 6th Army of the Northern Front in the First World War (1915–1916). Pp. 20-28

UDC 94(47).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.84.3.003


Abstract. This is the first attempt in Russian historiography to discuss activities of special services a concrete-historical study of the place and role of the counterintelligence staff of the headquarters of the 6th Army of the Northern Front. It shows the nature of the activity of this unit in the period from October 4, 1915 to April 1, 1916. The author comes to the conclusion about significant amount of activities, though not always resultative work done by counterintelligence officers on the “secret front” of their fight against espionage. The author refutes the undifferentiated and categorical judgment formed in the Soviet historical science about the unsatisfactory work of all bodies to combat foreign espionage on the Eastern Front of the First World War.


Keywords: counterintelligence, 6th Army, Eastern Front, World War I, espionage, agents, secret officers, intelligence schools, German intelligence.




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