Ivakhin N. S.

Peasant movements during the First Russian Revolution (1905–1907), based on materials from Ryazan Governorate            Р. 15-24.

UDC 94(470.313).083«1905/1907»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.002


Abstract. The article deals with the events of the First Russian Revolution of 1905–1907 and the participation of the peasants of the Ryazan Governorate, based on materials of the State Archive of the Ryazan Region. At the beginning of the 20th century, peasants featured as the largest social group in Russia. For a long time in Russian history, their rights had been limited, and the abolition of serfdom in 1861 seriously affected not only the peasant’s social status, but also the political development of the Russian Empire, as the peasantry was increasingly getting more active as a political social group. Dissatisfaction with the policy pursued by the government of Nicholas II was growing. An important role in this period was played by the rural residents of the Ryazan Governorate. The paper attempts to give a full analysis of the peasants’ participation in the political life of the Russian Empire during the First Russian Revolution. To achieve this goal, the author analyzes important sources of the State Archives of the Ryazan Region. It should be noted that the demands of Ryazan peasants during the period of the revolution were not purely economic in nature, as they often developed into political demands and embraced slogans containing ideas about changing the form of government, about creating representative bodies of power and local self-government bodoes. The author comes to the conclusion that the revolution of 1905–1907 had a significant impact on the worldview of the population, although in a practical sense it did not live up to the expectations of the rural residents of the Ryazan Governorate. However, dissatisfaction with the results of the First Russian Revolution gave rise to new aspirations, and the more radical forces gained in finding new levers of pressure on the authorities. Largely due to the propaganda efforts of various political forces, the peasants joined the struggle and became loyal allies of the hired workers’ class in their struggle against the autocracy. The results of the present study can be used in university history courses, as well as for further research of the issue.


Keywords: Nicholas II, First Russian Revolution, political moods, Ryazan Governorate, peasants.




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