Ignatyeva A. A.

Peculiarities of the image of the heroine of the play Mary Stuart in the context of Friedrich Schiller’s ideas of history. Pp. 87–96.

UDC 821.112.2-2.09″18″

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.009


Abstract. The article focuses on the unique characteristics of the portrayal of the main character in Friedrich Schiller’s historical play, Mary Stuart. The figure of Mary Stuart is presented within the framework of the principle of subjectivity, which is one of the fundamental principles of Modernity as a macro-epoch. Additionally, it is examined in the context of specific perception of history that artists of the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries had. This corresponds with the objectives of the study: to analyze the image of the
main character of the play in terms of F. Schiller’s ideas reflected in his articles on history and in letters; to reveal the originality of Mary Stuart’s image associated with the artistic principles of Modernity, the playwright’s subjective perception of a historical figure, and themes of harmony between a person and the world that are significant for modern art. The analysis of the play shows that the intentional shift of the perspective from the historical events to the inner struggle in the heroine allows the poet to focus on the individual personality seeking to understand herself and to find her place in the world. The most distinctive characteristic of Mary Stuart is her inner freedom, which empowers her to achieve a profound inner harmony. The freedom being one of the most crucial aspects of personality had great significance not only for F. Schiller, but for Modernity generally.


Keywords: inner freedom, harmony, individuality, the principle of subjectivity, Modernity.




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