Ignatyeva T. V.

Linguistic means of implementing intercultural interaction and assessments of political confrontation (based on Russian diplomatic discourse). Pp. 118–126.

UDC 811.161.1’373:327

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.012


Abstract. Diplomatic discourse is a special kind, since texts of various genres contribute to formulate the state’s position and views, as well as the personal assessment of the author. In multilingual intercultural interaction, they choose the language of communication, but the addresser has to take into account the characteristics of
the recipients as representatives of different cultures, to mind the national and international traditions of eloquence, and features of various communication tactics.

The purpose of the article is to search for linguistic means that contribute to effective intercultural interaction, and also to study the means of implicit and explicit evaluation that are necessary to express the communicative setup of the recipient.

The present article employs a complex approach to diplomatic discourse, with consideration for description and analysis of its conceptual sphere and linguistic means in the specific public utterance. Based on these, we define certain means of intercultural communication (such as address and greeting, diplomatic clichés, precedent texts (quotations), syntactic parallelism, and questions. We demonstrate the influence of emotionally charged linguistic means on the development of diplomatic discourse. In the context of changes occurring in the diplomatic style of speech, a crisis situation evokes subjectivity that involves using emotionally charged and colloquial vocabulary that conveys a specific assessment, within the framework of the national worldview.


Keywords: diplomatic discourse, implicit and explicit information, concept, intercultural interaction, multilingualism (polylingualism and multilingualism).



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