Abolmasov Vadim Vladimirovich — candidate of history, acting head of the Department of General History and International Relations of Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: history of Great Britain in the 19th — first half of the 20th centuries, history of the Conservative Party in Great Britain, international relations.



Bezgodova Olga Vitalievna — a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Geomorphology of the Institute of Geography named after V. B. Sochava, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: dynamic geomorphology, channel processes of mountain rivers, methods of geomorphological field research, exogenous processes of relief formation.


Bodrova Vasilisa Aleksandrovna — graduate student of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Translation Faculty, Moscow State Linguistic University.

Research interests: history of French literature of the second half of the 20th century, history of foreign literature of the 19th century, history of foreign literature of the 20th century.


Costa Erika — postgraduate student in the Department of World Literature at the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.

Research interests: cultural and literary connections between Italy and Russia, Russian poetry of the twentieth century, the work of M. I. Tsvetaeva.


Gavrich Vukashin — graduate student of the Department of World Literature at the State Institute of Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin.

Research interests: cultural and literary connections between Serbia and Russia, the work of F. M. Dostoevsky, the work of P. P. Njegos.


Erlikhson Irina Marikovna — doctor of history, professor in the Department of General History and International Relations at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: history of social thought.


Kapitonova Nina Sergeevna — candidate of philology, associate professor of the Department of Ibero-American Studies in the Field of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University.

Research interests: theory of language, foreign philology, linguistics.


Kravchenko Elena Nikolaevna — senior lecturer at the Department of Intercultural Communications and General Humanities at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg branch).

Research interests: linguistics, theory of language.



Krivtsov Vyacheslav Andreyevich — doctor of geography, professor of the Department of Geography, Ecology and Nature Management at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: regional geomorphology, physical geography.


Lazareva Oksana Valentinovna — assistant at the department of humanities, economics and natural sciences, Tyumen Industrial University.

Research interests: Pugachev’s rebellion, imposture, methods of teaching English and Persian languages, sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics of the English language.



Makarova Olesya Sergeevna — postgraduate student of the Department of Contemporary Russian History, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University.

Research interests: history of Russia of the 20th and 21st centuries, history of the Great Patriotic War, civil patriotism and heroism in 1941–1945, history of the propaganda in the USSR, history of Russian theater, jurisprudence (constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, consumer rights protection).



Malchikova Svetlana Petrovna — senior lecturer at the Department of Social Work at Smolensk State University.

Research interests: history of Great Britain in the 19th century, history of Japan, China, Korea, international relations.


Maul Viktor Yakovlevich — doctor of history, professor of the Department of Humanitarian, Economic and Natural Sciences at Tyumen Industrial University.

Research interests: Russian revolt, impostors, sociocultural history, methodology and historiography of history.



Mazarchuk Dmitry Valeryevich — candidate of history, associate professor, vice-rector for Scientific and Methodological Work of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Research interests: history of early modern diplomacy, history of the Italian Wars, history of Tudor England.


Novokreshchennykh Irina Aleksandrovna — candidate of philology, associate professor of the Department of World Literature and Culture of Perm State National Research University.

Research interests: literature of the 19th–21st centuries, interaction between literature and other arts, comparative literature, reception.


Parfenova Lidiya Vladimirovna — candidate for the academic degree of candidate of philology, Department of Russian Language and Theory of Literature, Moscow State Linguistic University.

Research interests: analysis of Russian political and advertising discourse, pragmatics and philosophy of language, implicitness.



Redkina Natalya Sergeevna — candidate of philology, associate professor of the department of Russian language and methods of teaching it, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language, history and theory of language, speech culture issues, philological aspects of teaching the Russian language at universities and schools.


Reshetova Anna Anatolyevna — doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Literature and Journalism, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: literature of Ancient Rus’, travel writing in Ancient Rus’ and 18th century, relations of literature of Ancient Rus’ and later literature, regional literary criticism and issues of literary reception.


Rudometova Anastasia Yuryevna — senior lecturer at the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures of the Southern Federal University.

Research interests: general pedagogy.


Ryazanov Sergey Mikhaylovich — candidate of history, associate professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines at Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of Russia.

Research interests: history of the police of the Russian Empire, history of the Urals in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries, history of the penitentiary system of the Russian Empire.



Samodelova Elena Alexandrovna — doctor of philology, senior researcher, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: Russian folklore, Russian literature of the first half of the 20th century, textual criticism of folklore and Russian literature of the 20th century, field study of folklore.



Smykovskaya Tatyana Evgenievna — doctor of philology, professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: history of Russian literature of the twentieth century, literature of the Gulag, literary local history.


Somova Marina Viktorovna — candidate of philology, associate professor of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching it, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin

Research interests: vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language, stylistics of the Russian language, idiolect and individual style of a writer, speech culture issues, philological aspects of teaching the Russian language at universities and schools.



Trofimova Nina Vladimirovna — doctor of philology, professor of the Department of Russian Classical Literature, Institute of Philology, Moscow Pedagogical State University.

Research interests: Russian literature of the 11th–18th centuries, textual criticism.


Vasilyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna — doctor of history, associate professor, colonel of the Internal Service, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Academy of FPS of Russia.

Research interests: intellectual history.



Vodorezov Alexey Vladimirovich — candidate of geography, head of the Department of Geography, Ecology and Nature Management at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: ecological geomorphology, landscape studies, biogeography.


Zavyalova Oksana Olegovna — candidate of history, associate professor of the Department of Russian History of the Middle Ages and Modern Times at the Institute of History and International Relations of Federal Southern University.

Research interests: sociocultural modernization in the Russian Empire, history of Russian social thought and socio-political processes in Russia in the 19th century, relationships between the government and society during the reign of Nicholas I and Alexander II.
