Iputatov D. Yu.
Legal Regulations Relating to Workers’ Legal Status and Factory Inspection at the Territory of the Moscow Province in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries P. 30 –37.
UDC 349.2(470.311)(09)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.003
Abstract. The article treats laws and regulations relating to factory workers’ legal status and issued in the Russian Empire in 1882–1905. The author investigates prerequisites for issuing various laws and regulations relating to factory workers and their social status and challenges pertaining to the application of the aforesaid laws and regulations at factories and plants. In the second half of the 19th century, there were two different approaches to factory legislation. Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg recognized the necessity
of regulating the legal position of their employees, while Moscovite entrepreneurs, on the contrary, neglected
the law of June 1882 forbidding the employment of young children. A report presented by factory inspector
I. I. Yanzhul underlined the necessity of introducing radical reforms and during the next few years a series
of laws and regulations relating to women’s and children’s employment were introduced.
Keywords: factory legislation, entrepreneurs, employees, factory inspection, post-reform period.
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