Kirsanova A. V.

“To those fallen for God and Spain:” history of the memorial site “Valley of the Fallen” P. 77 –83.

UDC 725.945(460)(09)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.007


Abstract. This paper addresses several controversial issues related to the construction of the famous “Valley of the Fallen” memorial, created in memory of those who died during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939. This majestic monument was initiated by the Spanish caudillo Francisco Franco as a burial place for the Catholics who died on both sides of the conflict and as a symbol of reconciliation. The article analyzes the history of designing and construction of the memorial, as well as various views of Spanish and Russian historians regarding this grand construction of the Francoist period. The history is indeed shrouded in legend and controversy that remain relevant up to now. The conclusion states that today, propaganda of the socialist government has a negative impact on Spanish society and deliberately distorts its ideas about national history.


Keywords: basilica, Civil War, “Valley of the Fallen”, memorial, Francoism, Francisco Franco.



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