Kiryukhin D. V.

The 1943 Orsha Offensive Operation as Depicted in Rafael Grazhdaninov’s Literary Works         P. 60-67.

UDC 94(47).084.8:821.161.1-94.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.006

Abstract. The article focuses on the 1943 Orsha offensive operation as depicted by its participants
in their literary works. The article analyzes military memoirs written by war veterans, their letters to relatives, their literary works and other documents stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence, such
as award lists, casualty reports, operations record books, alphabetical ledgers of privates and sergeants. The article analyzes military memoirs written by Army General A. T. Stuchenko and Sergeant R. S. Grazhdaninov. The analysis of the latter’s prose, poetry and art enables one to see war through the eyes of a private soldier,
it also throws light on the circumstances of his comrades-in-arms’ death.


Keywords: Great Patriotic War, 1943 Orsha offensive operation, military memoirs, “A Sergeant’s Military Memoirs”, R. S. Grazhdaninov.



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