Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V.
Exogenous Relief-forming Processes in Pronsk-Don Geomorphological Site of the Ryazan Part of Central Russian Upland: the Manifestation and the Trends P. 164-176.
UDC 551.435(234.81)(470.313)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.016
Abstract. The article presents the materials that characterize the manifestation and the trends in the development of exogenous relief-forming processes in Pronsk-Don geomorphological site. The article focuses on the conditions and areas of sheet ablation and jet ablation in interfluve plains. It treats ravine erosion, suffusion and collapse phenomena, karst processes, biogenic accumulation in floodplains and gullies. The article maintains that the active phase of ravine formation is over. The anti-erosion measures undertaken in the mid-20th century (such as anti-erosion shafts, forest strips, tillage avoidance) are really effective. The article underlines that the area of arable lands in interfluve plains of Pronsk-Don geomorphologic site can hardly
be expanded in the nearest future.
Keywords: Central Russian Upland, Pronsk-Don geomorphological site, morphosculpture, modern relief-forming processes, sheet ablation, jet ablation, suffusion and collapse phenomena, karst processes, landslides, defluxion, fluvial processes, biogenic accumulation.
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