Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Tobratov S. A.
Manifest features and development trends of exogenous relief-forming processes and reliefs within the Ryazan part of the Oka-Voronezh geomorphological region of the Oka-Don Plain P. 178 –188.
UDC 551.435(470.313)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.017
Abstract. The articles presents materials that characterize the manifest features and development trends of exogenous relief-forming processes and reliefs on the territory of the Oka-Voronezh geomorphological area. It shows the range and conditions for denudation processes: rainwash and intrasoil washout in interstream areas, ravine erosion, suffusion-subsidence phenomena, karst and slope processes, as well as accumulation of materials in floodplains of river valleys, in bottoms of gullies and ravines, and biogenic accumulation. It is noted that the most large-scale of these are rain washout and intrasoil washout, which develop in the gently sloping sections of plowed near-valley in interstream areas over an area of about 2150 We cannot expect a significant increase in areas where such processes can occur. The 1,913 ravines, with a total length of 376 km, which were formed earlier, exist at their stabilization stage. Formation of depressions of suffusion-subsidence origin is a permanent process (their number within the boundaries of this geomorphological region is up to 6,000). In their development, they go through a number of stages. Plowed depressions exist at the initial stages of their development. Their age does not exceed a few decades.
Keywords: Oka-Don Plain, Oka-Voronezh geomorphological region, morphosculpture, modern relief-forming processes, planar and small-jet washout, gully erosion, suffusion-subsidence phenomena, karst landslides, defluction, fluvial processes, biogenic accumulation.
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