Krylova E. N.

State Supervision of the Periodicals Distribution System   in Russia in the Early 20th Century. P.16-22.

UDC 070(470+571)«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.002


The article treats some under-investigated issues associated with the state supervision of the periodicals circulation and distribution system in Russia in the early 20th century. The aim of the research is to study the main channels of capital newspapers circulation and distribution in the early 20th century and to identify the mechanisms of state supervision of the periodicals distribution system. The analysis of archival materials enables the author to conclude that capital newspapers were distributed via subscription, retailing, train station retail, and delivery. During the pre-war period, the system of newspaper distribution was undergoing gradual changes. Normative acts issued in the late 19th century were no longer enough to efficiently control the spread of information; state measures were often insufficient and untimely. The existing system of state supervision of newspaper distribution failed to respond to the crisis, therefore the public had an access to information the government wished to conceal and to literature that was forbidden. The validity of the results of the research will be recognized by lecturers, by teachers who conduct Russian history classes, by teachers conducting classes in the history of journalism.

newspaper delivery guild; Main Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; periodicals distribution channels; The Regulations of newspaper delivery; distribution of illegal literature in Russia in the early 20th century; newspaper distribution in Moscow and in St. Petersburg in the early 20th century; distribution via subscription; newspaper retailing in the early 20th century; railway station retail



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