Kuznetsov M. A., Bolysov S. I.

Geomorphological types of the cоasts of the Urup Island (Southern Kuril Islands) P. 166 –177.

UDC 551.4(571.645)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.016

Abstract. Urup Island is located in the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, it is the 4th largest island of the Greater Kuril Ridge. There are 5 groups of volcanoes on the island, and up to 25 cones, of which 2 are active or potentially active — Berg and Trezubets Volcanoes. Urup is situated in the 9-point seismic zone, there happen strong earthquakes and tsunamis. Works on the island was carried out of the complex expedition Eastern Bastion — the Kuril Ridge, organized by the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Defense in 2019–2022. Based on a field study of the coastal zone relief of Urup Island and on interpretation of satellite images, we carried out large-scale coastal typification and developed a morpholithogenetic classification of coasts and compiled a map of coastal types. Geomorphological description and profiling of the coasts and marine terraces has been carried out. We have established the presence of five types of coasts. The vast majority of coasts (80 %) are erodes, differing in their morphology types and dynamics. However, they are confined to the foothills of volcanic edifices and are composed of rocks resistant to erosion. 1 % of the coasts are represented by erosion coasts in weakly cemented lahar and pyroclastic deposits and are confined to the foot of active or dormant volcanoes. 20 % of the coasts are accumulative, distributed in the bays of the Sea of Okhotsk and on the open Pacific shore. The only section of the technogenic coast is located in the southwestern part of the island. During field observations, we observed a zone of anthropogenically provoked erosion of this and the nearest coast sections that stretches for about 1 km.


Keywords: coastal typification, erosion coasts, morpholithogenetic classification of coasts, Sea of Okhotsk.




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