Kurochkina A. V., Kotovskaya D. O.
The Raising of Lazarus as a Biblical Plot in Literature at the Turn of the Century P. 107-118.
UDC 821.161.1.09
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.011
Abstract. The significance of biblical motifs for Russian literature, the variety of interpretations of biblical images and plots in different epochs underline the importance of a comparative analysis of different interpretations through the prism of writers’ worldview, writers’ style, and the social and political context they lived in. The aim of the article is to analyze the interpretation of a biblical plot, namely the razing of Lazarus by the writers of the turn of the century: L. N. Andreyev (the 19th–20th centuries) and V. Sharov (the 20th–21st centuries). The research focuses on the peculiarities of the authors’ perception of the plot through the prism
of their individual worldviews and social worldviews. The article maintains that despite using different stylistic methods, both authors attempt to predict further development of Russia and Russian people through the prism
of the biblical plot. Both writers resort to mythologization in an attempt to “resurrect” the past of the country and to create a new concept of human development at the turn of the century (V. Sharov) and in an attempt
to highlight a failure to culturally develop in the conditions of a post-revolutionary Russia (1905–1907)
(L. N. Andreyev). The analysis of the authors’ interpretations of the biblical plot enables the researchers to focus on the issue of humanity resurrection and to underline similar tendencies that have become obvious only recently.
Keywords: actualization of a biblical plot Vladimir Sharov, interpretation, Lazarus, Leonid Andreyev, social and political context.
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