Lavrentyev V. A.


Review of K. Ya. Sigal’s Syntax and speech studies (Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kantzler Publ., 2023, 194 p.) Р. 208 -213.

UDC 811.161.1ˈ367(049.32)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.020

Abstract. The work under review is a monograph Syntax and Speech Studies, by Chief Researcher
of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kirill Yakovlevich Sigal. The 12 chapters of the book analyze various syntactic structures on specific language material (attributive phrases, cases of intended syllepsis, appositive constructions, detached parts of a sentence, complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, etc.), based on D. N. Uznadze’s theory of set; the process of the syntactic formulation of thought (and feeling), associated with the priority aesthetic goal-setting, with genre specifics, with the compositional organization, with the general stylistic manner and with the linguistic personality; the problem of a holophrase as a one-word sentence-statement in children’s speech in connection with the general problem of speech studies.

Keywords: syntax, speech science, psychology of set, language usage, linguistic personality, artistic and speech creativity, K. Ya. Sigal.


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