Makarova O. S.

Transformation of the image of the enemy in Soviet propaganda at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War, September 1943 — May 1945 P. 36 –42.

UDC 94(47).084.8«1943/1945»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.004


Abstract. The article is based on archival materials. It examines the formation of the image of the enemy at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War. The publication looks into the transformation of the image of the enemy in Soviet propaganda from September 1943 to May 1945 to identify its characteristic features. The subject of the study is patterns of historical development in the aspect of the work of PR agencies in creating the image of the enemy in the eyes of the public. We have studied archival materials that describe the propaganda work carried out among the population of the territories liberated by the Red Army, propaganda campaigns carried out for the residents of the country, including the “Big Waltz Operation” (Parade of the Vanquished), directives containing standards for behavior to the population of the territories of other countries, etc. We demonstrate the ambiguity of assessments regarding the presentation of the image of the enemy at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War. The realization of the inevitability of our victory requires amendments to the image of the enemy, and in orientation not only towards the Soviet Army and society, but also towards the aggressor. In order to decrease the cruelty of the enemy in this critical situation, the idea was introduced into the consciousness of Soviet soldiers that vengeful behavior would only delay our victory and multiply victims. The image of the enemy was not softened, but the idea of a humane attitude towards those who were ready to lay down their arms became obvious. We analyze the propaganda significance of the procession of German prisoners of war (the Parade of the Vanquished) on July 17, 1944. This event was of great international significance, since it showed the real state of affairs in the formerly victorious German army, when for the first time the image of the defeated enemy was clearly demonstrated.


Keywords: Great Patriotic War, image of the enemy, propaganda, Khivi, Parade of the Vanquished.



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