Malygina A. А.

“…And that you shall be obedient and faithfull…”: a commission to English merchants-adventurers of the Muscovy Company in Russia dated May 1, 1555. Pp. 41–51.

UDC 94(47).043

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.004


Abstract. The article by source study methods considers a commission of the 1st of May 1555 to the English merchants-adventurers created by the executives of the Muscovy Company in their London residence. The document regulates all the aspects of life of the merchants to provide their safety residence in the different country and support trade development and diplomatic relations. Detailed analysis of the commission leads to the conclusion that despite on probable difficulties in its realization, English merchants successfully traded in Muscovy.


Keywords: Muscovy state, Kingdom of England, diplomacy, Queen Mary I Tudor, King Philip II of Spain, Tsar Ivan IV, resident merchants, Moscovy Company, Russian-English relations, international relations, source study.




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