Maul V. Ya.

The Great Reforms: a State Village in a Time of Change  (Chigirino Uezd, Kiev Province) P.56-

UDC 94(47).081

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.006

Abstract. The article treats the peculiarities of peasant reform implementation in Right-Bank Ukraine in the 1860s–1870s. The article focuses on the indignation provoked by the reform in former state peasants dwelling in state villages of the Kiev province. The subject of the research is the Chigirino uezd of the Kiev province where local people revolted against unequal land distribution on per household basis and inequitable taxation. The object of the research is the analysis of the mechanisms of land reforms and tax reforms. The article maintains that poor peasants demanded that land should be distributed on an equal per capita basis not on per household basis. The participants of the events viewed them  through the prism of monarchical ideology. Peasants believed that the tsar’s true orders were concealed by statesmen and priests. The revolt of state peasants of the Chigirino uezd underlined the imperfections of the agrarian legislation in the post-reform era.


Keywords: state peasants, Kiev province, serfdom law, peasant reform, Chigirino uezd.



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