Maul V. Ya., Lazareva O. V.

About the origin of Yemelyan Pugachev’s imposture (based on testimony of ataman Ivan Zarubin) P. 7 –15.

 UDC  94(47).066

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.001

Abstract. The article provides a critical analysis of the historiographic stereotype about the awareness of Yemelyan I. Pugachev’s closest associates in his imposture. For this purpose, we have compared and systematized materials from interrogations of Pugachev’s first associates, mainly the testimony of ataman Ivan. N. Zarubin. We set

forward and substantiated the  hypothesis that the Yaik Cossacks immediately believed that Pugachev was really Emperor Peter III. It is shown that only for this reason the first supporters expressed their readiness to provide him with full support in the fight for the rights and liberties of the Yaik Cossacks.


Keywords: impostor, imposture, tsar, Ye. I. Pugachev, Pugachev rebellion, Yaik Cossacks, Chika-Zarubin, historiography.



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