Makhinov A. N., Makhinova A. F.
New data on the distribution of glacial relief in the Lower Amur region. Pp. 156–166.
UDC 551.4(571.61/.62)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.84.3.018
Abstract. The features of Quaternary glaciation of low-altitude mountain ridges and massifs of the Lower Amur region are considered. The paper quotes data proving that the scale of glaciation of the territory was more significant than considered earlier. The research singles out two morphological types of glaciokarsts. It is shown that structural properties of the karsts are caused by differences in the history of relief formation, diversity and different intensity of modern relief-forming processes. It is established that large, sharply expressed in relief karsts with short glacial valleys continuing them are confined to high mountain massifs with elevations of 1,400–1,500 m in continental areas of the Amur region They have a closed low bottom with a wide riegel (transverse bedrock) and steep walls (300–400 m high) in the upper parts. The relief in the areas of moraine spreading is represented by two generations: smoothed, older surface and chaotic piles of large boulders of the last glaciation. The active formation of karst glaciers during the second cooling epoch is due to existing karsts and accumulation of significant amounts of snow. Near the coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, the glacial relief is represented mainly by karsts strongly transformed as a result of erosion and denudation. They do not have riegels, and the walls of the karsts are not so steep. In their bottoms, watercourses have formed valleys with an undeveloped convex longitudinal profile, in contrast to the river sources in drainage funnels. Due to a less significant decrease of the snow line towards the sea during the last epoch of cooling, glaciers were not formed on the mountain massifs of the coast. As a result of the long-term impact of erosion-denudation processes, the preserved karsts have undergone significant transformations, which makes it difficult to identify them as glacial landforms. Large forms shaped by permafrost processes were found in the glaciation areas: highland terraces, planation surfaces and stone fields.
Keywords: Lower Amur region, Quaternary glaciation, glacial relief, karsts, permafrost.
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