Motrenko E.N.

On the issue of Soviet-Vietnamese cooperation in the field of cinematography: main directions of interaction, experience of propaganda activities (1976–1985). Pp. 36-44

UDC 791.43(47+597)«1976/1985»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.84.3.005


Abstract. The article is devoted to the Soviet-Vietnamese cooperation in cinematography in the period of comprehensive interaction between the countries in the field of culture. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the methodology of cooperation described is applicable nowadays in the context of the development of cultural ties with foreign countries. The purpose of the work is to identify the main directions of interaction between socialist states in the sphere of film art, as well as the need to analyze the vector of propaganda activities of the USSR in the distribution of Soviet films in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). After studying unpublished archival materials and Soviet periodicals of the 1970s–1980s, the following areas of cinematographic cooperation were identified: the formation of the foundations of Vietnamese cinematography by Soviet specialists; production of Soviet-Vietnamese films; mutual public popularization of film art through publications in periodicals, organization of large-scale decades/weeks/months of partners’ films; joint participation in international film festivals; training of specialists for the Vietnamese film industry. The propaganda work of the Embassy, the USSR Consulate General in the SRV, and friendship societies in Vietnam has become a priority area of cooperation, which can be characterized as effective due to the wide public coverage of film shows and the leading position of Soviet films in the Vietnamese cinemas. In general, the Soviet Union had a primary influence on the creation and development of Vietnamese cinematography, but the cooperation between the countries from 1976 to 1985, with high activity indicators, was based mainly on Soviet algorithms, so it was presented as unilateral assistance to Vietnam due to the ideological interest of the USSR in the issue of keeping this ally in Southeast Asia. The results of the study can be used in the educational process, as well as a basis for analytical compilations on the history of international relations.


Keywords: cinematography, culture, cultural interaction, cultural cooperation, propaganda activities, Soviet films, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, USSR.




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