Nikiforova E. M.
Methodology for assessment of tourist/recreational potential of topology and analysis of recreational systems in various geomorphological districts of Ryazan region Р. 191 -201.
UDC 911.9:551.432.8(470.313)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.018
Abstract. The article presents a method of assessing the tourist and recreational attractiveness of specific relief , using as examples geomorphological subdistricts of the Ryazan Region. Based on these results, it proposes territorial and recreational systems (TRS) that are attractive for tourism development, as well the stages of formation (based on the attractiveness of the topology, distinguished by morphological and genetic diversity). We also indicate functional specifics, which enable us to simultaneously take into account touristic opportunities and geomorphological features of the structure of the territory’s relief, to identify primary attraction features, and to assess geomorphological and environmental risks and prospects for their further development. The assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory’s relief helps to identify, analyze and compile a comprehensive description of unique natural objects, without which we cannot make scientifically based decisions on the development of tourism in the region.
Keywords: attractiveness, geomorphological zoning, assessment methodology, potential, tourist and recreational attractiveness, territorial and recreational systems (TRS).
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