Nikonov O. A.

International aspects of the formation of national bourgeoisie in Iraq under the British mandate Р. 34-46.

UDC 94(567)«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.004

Abstract. The article examines the historical conditions for the formation of Iraqi national bourgeoisie in the 1920s. it analyzes the role of the British and Russian authorities in shaping the international conjuncture that set the vector for the development of the Iraqi business class during the period of mandate dependence. The author pays special attention to the strategic initiatives of Great Britain that were aimed at including the territory of Mesopotamia in the global plan of the metropolitan country, to organize a unified trade and logistics system in the Indo-Mediterranean region. The author arrives at the conclusion that the implementation of British plans to maintain their  influence in the region led to serious systemic changes in Iraqi society, which subsequently affected not only the prospects for the country’s economic development, but also the specific sociogenesis of Iraqi society. The financial and legal framework set by Great Britain for operation of the national business activities set a trend for the formation of a predominantly commercial bourgeoisie in Iraq, comprador in its goals and unable to create a material and technical foundation for an independent development of the national economy.


Keywords: Great Britain, mandate system, Iraq, USSR, national bourgeoisie, foreign trade.



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