Parfenova L. V.

Differential features of the speech act of promise in the Russian language P.  153 -163.

UDC 811.161.1´37

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.015


Abstract. The article compares the speech act of promise (promissive) with speech acts related to it in terms of communicative intentions: commissives, as expressed in the Russian language. The interim results of the analysis of the linguistic and discursive characteristics of a promise, as well as the determination of its place in the group of commissives according to the theory of speech acts, confirm the relevance of the problems under study and anticipate further research in studying the means of linguistic nomination of various intentional states, including implicit ways of realizing promissives in speech. The purpose of the study is to clarify the differential characteristics of a promissive. To achieve it, the following tasks are solved: identifying the full composition of the group of commissives, taking into account their intentional component, a comparative analysis of all members of the group, a linguopragmatic description of commissives, identifying core and peripheral cases. Due to the limited scope of the article, it discusses in detail only four types of commissions in explicit form. The novelty of the work is ensured by the fact that for the first time a complete set of differential features of commissives is identified and their distribution in different members of the group is described, including those intersecting with other groups of speech acts. During the study, in addition to comparative analysis, methods of corpus, discourse, and etymological analysis were used. The materials were selected from political and advertising discourses, in particular, data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language and present-day media texts. In total, it analyzes more than two thousand examples dating from over the past fifty years. The result of the study was the identification of a complete list of lexical and phraseological means expressing the intention of a promise in the Russian language; an algorithm for the linguopragmatic description of commissives have been proposed, core and peripheral cases are characterized, and the research proves the existence of both universal and culture-specific features in speech acts of promise in the Russian language.


Keywords: illocution, intention, commissive, promise, promissive, speech act, semantic field.




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