Pisarev A. A.

The role of Orthodox clergy from the West Siberian provinces in activities of the Russian State Dumas of 1906–1917. Pp. 17–26.

UDC 94(571.1).083″1906/1917″

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.002


Abstract. In early 20th-century Russia, there was a growing need for the formation of the State Duma to elect representatives of the majority of social groups. It is noteworthy that for the first time in the political history of Russia, a significant role was assigned to Orthodox clergy. The article examines the procedures for nominating
clergymen as candidates from west Siberia to Parliament, provides brief biographical data and explanation of the social and educational level required for participation in political activities. The conducted analysis of issues, mainly related to the spiritual sphere, allows us to identify ways of their optimal solution. The results of parliamentary sessions were largely reflected in the adoption of laws, maintaining order and ensuring proper control in the dioceses. As in pre-revolutionary Russia there were several convocations of State Dumas, the article compares the distinctive aspects of the procedure for nominating clergymen-deputies and determines their role in resolving certain problems. It is noteworthy that during the Russo-Japanese and World War I, deputies-clergymen readily helped the fighting army, wounded soldiers and their families. The article uses statistical materials that clearly illustrate the amount of donations and the activity of the population in response to the sermons of church leaders. The relevance of this study lies in determining the degree of participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the political life of the country and the nature of the relationship between clergy and government authorities. Verbatim parliamentary reports are used as the main sources for analyzing the activities of the State Dumas, recording the speeches of deputies and resolutions adopted.


Keywords: elections, deputies, Spiritual Consistory, State Duma, legislation, voters, Holy Synod, clergy, Church.



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